Join me on a journey to discover a world, filled with intrigue, mystery and adventure as three wayward kids find guidance from a magical friend to uncover truths and treasure that  prevent devastation.

This is a long-term project with completion expected to be around February 2022

In creating a mythical world, I am bursting to share the characters, conditions and places with you . Hopefully to get your opinion on the story setting as it evolves.

Much is already in place,  but your input  will be invaluable to the conclusion of a cracking tale.

Captivate your imagination, be part of this adventure. Please?

Join the tribe below to receive character, place and situation profiles  completely free of charge. (With a bit of luck, some short stories surrounding individual characters as well)

Hello, and Welcome!
Welcome to the world of:
Nippur; the Legacy.
Please Note!
All characters, places and establishments are purely fictional. Photographs used are for reference purposes in order to convey my own perception of the character or place. Photographs utilised here are in the public domain and are neither connected or part of the developing story in any capacity.

Brian Cummings
Please Note!
All characters, places and establishments are purely fictional. Photographs used are for reference purposes in order to convey my own perception of the character or place. Photographs utilised here are in the public domain and are neither connected or part of the developing story in any capacity.

Brian Cummings
Hello, and Welcome!
Please Note!
All characters, places and establishments are purely fictional. Photographs used are for reference purposes in order to convey my own perception of the character or place. Photographs utilised here are in the public domain and are neither connected or part of the developing story in any capacity.

Brian Cummings
Welcome to the world of:
Nippur; the Legacy.
Join the Tribe Faces & Places
© Brian Cummings 2021: All rights reserved.